Redept sells office and warehouse complex in Nijmegen

Wijchenseweg 6, Nijmegen

Redept has sold an office building in Nijmegen on behalf of Alliander. The building has a floor area of approx. 3,500 m2 and some 475 m2 warehouse as well as a parking area for more than 200 cars. Alliander will lease back a part of the offices and the warehouse for its regional office. In carrying out this disposal, Redept set up an online dataroom, executed the sale and rental negotiations and completed the contract-forming on Alliander’s behalf.


Redept is clear in its formulation and pays attention to the interests of the parties in the process. In doing so, it uses clear legal frameworks and does not neglect to discuss issues that are unclear. The result that was achieved fully met the objective and an optimisation was also achieved in respect of previous agreements in the project. The legal aspects were completed in a very satisfactory manner.

Paul Wentink

Corporate Real Estate Manager

The subsidiaries Liander and Qirion form the network company Alliander. They ensure the distribution of energy in large areas of the Netherlands. Additionally, Qirion is the specialist in the area of complex private energy networks and installations.

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