Redept has achieved certification for the quality management system ISO-9001. Certification is a logical step for Redept in its continually increasing professionalism and its endeavour to deliver services at the highest possible level. Redept is the only organisation in its field that is regulated by the RICS; now it is also the only one that is ISO certified.
With the certification we can also satisfy the preference of an increasing number of clients to do business with ISO-certified suppliers. Clients of Redept will however not directly notice any difference. It is predominantly a further formalisation and structuring of the premium qualilty working processes that Redept clients are used to. With the ISO quality standards we are even better placed to manage our organisation and to continually evaluate and optimise our performance.
ISO certification means that we have complied for 100% with all demands for which there is norm. An independent external organisation, the certification authority, came to this conclusion following its certification audit.
ISO certification helps us to identify and optimalise the most important processes. Client and client satisfaction are central within Redept. By improving the processes, client satisfaction will be monitored more intensively with the objective of maintaining our service delivery at the highest possible level. The input that our clients provide is extremely valuable.
Redept was supported in this process by Van de Pol Consult. For more information over the process that Redept followed, read this article (in Dutch) on their website.