A lot has been written about the C label that will be mandatory for office buildings as of 1 January 2023. Without this minimum label, you are legally no longer allowed to use office space. We already set out in an earlier article that things will not move that quickly. What you should however pay attention to are the mandatory energy-saving measures.
Entrepreneurs are obliged to take all energy-saving measures that can be recouped within five years. Now that energy prices are through the roof, the payback period for many measures will suddenly be much shorter. So you’ll have to get started! The energy saving obligation applies if your company uses more than 50,000 kWh of electricity or 25,000 m3 of gas per year – say for office spaces from about 500 m2.
If you meet this condition, you also have an obligation to provide information. This means that you must report which energy-saving measures you have taken. You can do this via theeLoket of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). Are you not sure whether you have to comply with the information obligation? Then first go through the step-by-step plan for the information obligation and energy saving from RVO and find out whether the obligation applies to you.
The energy-saving measures you need to take depend on your industry. On the RVO website you will find recognised lists of measures for energy savings for 19 industries. This states what requirements you and your company must comply with.
Please note: investments in green energy, for example in solar panels or a heat pump, do not count as energy saving. This does not reduce your energy consumption. All approved measures actively contribute to reducing your electricity and/or natural gas consumption.
Read also: Offices required to have a minimum energy label C from 2023
Photo by Arthur Lambillotte via Unsplash.
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