Some entrepreneurs have been hit hard by an acute drop in demand as a result of the Corona measures. For example, where you have to temporarily close your restaurant or shop. And if income falls or even disappears, it can be difficult to pay fixed costs like rent.
Having trouble paying the rent? Then get as soon as possible into consultation with your landlord!
A landlord is of little use to a tenant who goes bankrupt, but as a tenant you don’t want your landlord to go bankrupt either. It is therefore in both your interests to see whether the tenant could pay a little less rent temporarily (which could be compensated again later). That temporarily lowers the pressure. At the same time, it is also important that the landlord can continue to pay his interest and repayments to the bank. So investigate together what part of the rent can be paid to get through this situation together. But above all, make contact with each other and do not wait until it is too late.