Following Redept's successful renegotiation on behalf of the Government Buildings Service of the rental agreement for the temporary offices of the International Criminal Court (Haagse Arc building), the rental term of the associated car parking and storage area had to be synchronised with the rental term of the offices. Redept negotiated with the landlord whereby the rental term now runs exactly co-terminus with that of the offices and at the same achieved a rental reduction of 14%.
The Central Government Real Estate Agency works for and on behalf of the Dutch State. They are responsible for managing and maintaining the largest and most diverse property portfolio in the Netherlands. The portfolio includes prisons, court buildings, military barracks, airports, defence sites, ministerial offices, ports, tax offices, listed buildings and historical monuments, museums and palaces. The Agency makes these buildings and sites available in order to meet the property needs of central government. Their expert staff develops strategy and policy and supervise the management and maintenance, purchase and sale, construction, remodelling and renovation, and development and redevelopment of properties in the portfolio.